
What is occupational health care?

This text aims to explain occupational health care and its key concepts. The goal of occupational health care is to keep employees healthy at work. Occupational health care works in collaboration with employers to promote safe and healthy working conditions and to prevent accidents, illnesses, and health hazards. 

Occupational health care is usually divided into two sections: statutory preventive services and medical care services. If an employer has even one employee, meaning they pay compensation for work, the Occupational Health Care Act requires them to obtain at least the statutory preventive services. For entrepreneurs themselves, organizing occupational health care is voluntary but highly recommended. Services can be obtained from a public or private service provider, or they can be organized independently.

Statutory occupational health care includes

• Workplace assessments

In a workplace assessment, occupational health services evaluate how health hazards and risks, as well as various stress factors from the work, work environment, and work community, affect health and work ability. Additionally, the assessment also considers the job's resource factors. The occupational health service produces a written report of the workplace assessment, which is made available to employees. The workplace assessment is updated at least every three to five years, depending on whether the job poses a particular risk of illness.

• An action plan

Based on the workplace assessment, occupational health services create an action plan. The written action plan includes the goals of the occupational health service and measures tailored to the needs of the workplace. The action plan can cover multiple years but is updated annually.

The written action plan includes the goals of the occupational health service and measures based on the needs arising from the workplace conditions.

• Health examinations, especially in work that poses a particular risk of illness

Occupational health assessments identify health risks and determine the fitness for work of employees exposed to specific hazards, such as noise, dust, asbestos, or night shifts. The content of these health checks is defined by the occupational health service. For general disease screenings, such as blood pressure and diabetes, the occupational health service negotiates with the employer. Needs assessment and content planning leverage information related to the workplace, results from risk assessments and workplace investigations, as well as the specific characteristics of the industry.

If the job has a particular risk of illness occupational health assessments are mandatory. These assessments are conducted at the start of employment and at least every three years thereafter. During the pre-employment health check, it is determined whether the individual has any health conditions, illnesses, or sensitivities that could be aggravated by the work. It also assesses whether the individual requires special protection from work-related hazards and whether there are any health-related barriers to starting the job. Employees cannot refuse health assessments without a valid reason.

• “Participation in activities to maintain work ability” *

• “Monitoring the health of employees when work ability declines, promoting coping at work, providing rehabilitation counseling, and directing employees to rehabilitation” *

• “Providing advice, guidance, and information on improving working conditions and employee health” *

• Guidance on first aid readiness

Arranging medical care services for the employer is optional. When medical care services are provided by the same provider as preventive services, it is possible to receive Kela reimbursements for these services. General practitioner-level medical care is covered by Kela reimbursements, meaning the employer can claim compensation for these costs. The employer may also choose to provide medical care services as a staff benefit, which are not included under occupational health care services, and therefore, no Kela reimbursements can be obtained for these services.

The general arrangements, content, and scope of occupational health services must be agreed upon in a written agreement for occupational health services.

Kela reimburses part of the costs for occupational health services to the employer. Reimbursements must be claimed within 6 months after the end of the company's financial year.  Reimbursement category 1 - 60% of the costs can be reimbursed. These costs include expenses such as workplace assessments, site visits, health examinations, and addressing work ability issues—essentially everything classified under preventive occupational health services, also known as statutory services. Reimbursement category 2 - 50% of the costs can be reimbursed. These costs include expenses for general practitioner-level medical care and other healthcare services provided through occupational health services. For more detailed instructions and clarifications regarding Kela reimbursements, please refer to Kela's website.


Find out more:




https://tyosuojelu.fi/tyoterveys-ja-tapaturmat/tyoterveyshuolto/jarjestaminen *

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