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Do you believe in the product being sold?

When was the last time you interacted with a salesperson? Did you believe in their words? Did the salesperson believe in their own product or service?

I have had discussions with salespeople from various industries. Regardless of the sector, one key factor in job satisfaction and achieving results has consistently emerged: belief in the product or service being sold.

As someone seeking a sales position, I believe the first question should be: Do you genuinely believe in what you're selling?

Well-being and its improvement have always been intriguing topics for me. This curiosity led me to explore Norre's operations. Although I had used occupational health services before, I had not delved deeply into them. Many questions crossed my mind: What do the services include? Whom do I contact in different situations?

As I familiarized myself with Norre's new model, I realized we were dealing with something significant. Norre has brought comprehensive cost management and extensive healthcare packages to an industry where they were not simultaneously available. Additionally, I am fascinated by how Norre has integrated systematic well-being development into the daily operations of businesses. I see Norre as a pioneer in the evolving field of occupational health.

Today's challenges are substantial for individuals and businesses alike. Burnout and mental health-related issues are commonplace and can be significant crises for both individuals and companies. The crises are a large expense for the entrepreneur.

Norre aims to ensure that every euro a company invests in occupational health is used efficiently. Rapid access to assistance can prevent long-term sick leaves, and this is our goal. That's why each success in breaking a bad cycle is significant. This is what we at Norre want to invest in.

When I started as a salesperson at Norre, I felt it was a unique opportunity. The more I interact with customers, the more convinced I am that we are doing the right things. It's rewarding to work towards this cause and proudly talk about Norre's products and services.

Returning to the initial question: Do I believe in the product and service being sold?

Yes, I do. I believe that we will change Finnish occupational health significantly. It's fantastic to wake up every morning to work for a meaningful cause. I get to work on something that truly matters. Today, as every day, we wake up to work so Finns can thrive in their working lives!

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